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Getting the Emphasis Right

Terry McGlynn explains the essentials of a cover letter for academic jobs at teaching institutions.

'Show Them Who You Are'

Hester Blum writes about what she learned from her father, who recruited talent in non-academic fields.

Adjunct Adjustments

When searching for new sections to teach at new colleges, it's important for contingent faculty to show they can customize a syllabus for a new institution, writes Luke Niebler.

Your First Academic Job -- II

William Helmreich explains how to excel in an interview.

Your First Academic Job - I

William Helmreich offers an insider's tips on how to get the all crucial interview.

Interview Questions

Sarah Ann Fleming considers what you are likely to be asked and what you might want to ask.

Making Yourself 'Fit'

At teaching-oriented colleges, a search committee will be focused on how candidates match institutional values, not just their C.V.s, writes Melanie Springer Mock.

Expiration Date

If you are hired as an administrator with the marching orders to shake things up, there may be a limit on how long you can be effective, writes Ella DeJon.