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Use Your Words

Slight changes in phrasing can make all the difference in networking, cover letters, interviews and your mindset about a job search, writes Joseph Barber.

Always Talk to Strangers

If you are looking for a job, post-Ph.D., you need to always be ready to make connections, writes Christine Kelly.

Taking the Risk

Going on the job market without a nearly done dissertation can not only help some people economically but may spur them to finish up, writes Melissa Dennihy.

Introducing Carpe Careers

Experts who help graduate students prepare for a range of careers explain their new column.

Beyond Research-Teaching Divide

A successful pitch to a liberal arts college needs to involve more than just doing the opposite of what one might do for a research university, writes Christopher Leise.

A Dozen Sentences

Philip N. Howard identifies the lines that are needed in every cover letter by a graduate student or new Ph.D. seeking an academic job.

An Alternative to ABD

Academe shuns the many doctoral students who are “all but dissertation.” Jill Yesko proposes another way that would help them and institutions alike: the Certificate of Doctoral Completion.

I Just Used to Work Here

Cliffton Price considers the work adjuncts are asked to do after their courses (and compensation) are over.