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Are You Career Competent?

Graduate students and postdocs should understand the importance of being able to communicate about their competencies to prospective employers during their job search, writes Joseph Barber.

Integrating Values Into Your Career

Much of the conversation about career exploration focuses on the importance of identifying our skills, but we often don’t take the time to think about our core values and how they connect to our skills, argues Laura N. Schram.

Public Profiles and Job Searches

For graduate students, the academic job market requires you to develop a coherent public profile that isn’t inscrutable to the people you’d like to work with, writes James M. Van Wyck.

Worth vs. Value in Job Negotiations

They are not synonymous, especially in the career arena, writes Michael A. Matrone, and you should not allow greed to damage good relations between you and a future employer.

Selling Yourself on the Job Market

To do that, you have to have a product worth selling and know how to sell it to a particular segment of customers, advises Joseph Barber.

Five Time-Management Tips

Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis gives advice for dealing with that constant feeling of busyness that causes us to feel like we don't have time for anything.

Make 13 Your Lucky Interview Number

Saundra Loffredo recommends step-by-step preparation for successful job interviews.

Cultivating a Career Calling

How do you “follow your passion” when it is unclear or is seemingly unconnected with what you understand about work? Paula Di Rita Wishart provides advice.