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How to Land a Community College Job

Every step of the application process for faculty positions can be quite different from applying for a job at a major research institution, counsels Melissa Dennihy.

Smile, You’re on Camera

Ashley Brady and D’Anne Duncan offer tips for video interviews.

Succeeding From Day 1

You need a plan for the start of a new job, writes Saundra Loffredo.

Making the Most Out of Conferences

Conferences have the potential to be great for your career, writes Derek Attig, but only if you approach them with focus and intentionality.

Are You Sabotaging Your Career Search?

Christine Kelly offers some questions you should ask to avoid sabotaging your career search.

When Life Unbalances Your Work

Leah Colvin provides advice for the times when upheavals in life change everything you thought you knew about your work self.

Best Practices for Professional Email

Natalie Lundsteen offers some basic tips to help you have clear and confident electronic communication.

Designing Principles for Exploring Your Career

Laura N. Schram shares three valuable ways of thinking about how to thrive beyond the Ph.D.