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China: An Emerging International Higher Education Hub

Building regional education hubs has become a key trend in cross-border educational development.

Ethiopian Private Higher Education: The Burden of Risk

Ethiopian private higher education faces a multitude of risks in virtually all spheres of operations.

The Challenges of Creating World-Class Universities in China

The obsession with internationalization had resulted in priority being given to overseas scholars and graduates and has diminished graduates of many top domestic universities to second or third-class status.

Dramatic Instability in International Higher Education

The sudden rise in nationalism and populism in many countries has implications for higher education.

Higher Education Crisis in Taiwan

Taiwanese higher education has gone from elite to universal enrollment within only few decades.

Corruption in Ukraine’s Medical Universities

Ministry of Health warned rectors of medical universities about scams, fraud and extortion by unidentified criminals claiming to be contacting them on behalf of the Minister and her deputy, and demanding money in exchange for their jobs.

Only Education Can Save Brazil

The current political moment contextualizes the fight against corruption that exists throughout basic and higher education

Perpetuating Inequity Despite Higher Education Expansion

Responding to the complex realities behind equity challenges is not especially easy in the context of a young, rapidly ‘massifying’, and under-resourced system.