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Nepotism in the U.S.: Starting to Resemble Ukraine

In many countries around the globe nepotism in higher education is not unusual at all.

The Meager Output of Ethiopian Ph.D.s

Ethiopian universities now award more than 500 Ph.D.s every year, up from a low of 21 in 2010-11, but with disappointing results.

Too Big to Marginalize: Higher Education’s Private Sector

Private institutions enroll one in three of the world’s higher education students—by 2010 private enrollment reached 57 million.

World-Class Universities in a Post-Truth World

World-class universities must assume their role model responsibility -- the “ivory tower” could thus morph into a “beacon of hope.”

Ethiopia: A Transparent Approach to University President Selection

While the introduction of a new processes is one step forward toward a more accountable institutional system, its effectiveness depends on parallel reforms in the governance structure.

Hosting Diversity or Embracing It?

Simply assembling diversity on campus — racial, international, socio-economic, cultural, generational, etc.— accomplishes little.

The #MeToo Revolution and Student Affairs Professionals in Korea

A great barrier lies in the ideology and traditions that govern every aspect of the Korean society, including higher education.

The Reform of French University Admissions

In the past three years, the system has had to absorb an additional 30,000 to 40,000 students every year.