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Times Higher Education Rankings and the Rise of Asia

Was there really a rise of Asia this year? Look closely at the changes in the ranking positions from 2013-14.

Non-Publishers in European Universities: Empirical Approach

The global research competitiveness of European universities, especially in such countries as Poland, Finland or Portugal, is clearly endangered if harsh policy measures are not introduced.

Hong Kong, Ferrets and the Future of Academic Freedom

It’s impossible to predict what the world will look like in 30 years. China may well have assumed global pre-eminence by some measures, but it’s difficult to see that Hong Kong will retain the academic freedom of the past and be viable as an international education hub.

The Alarming Expansion of the For-Profits

The growing presence and influence of for-profit higher education internationally is worrisome and seems to be attracting less attention than it deserves.

Free Tuition in Chile

Last fall, Michelle Bachelet was again elected as President of Chile and one of her many campaign promises was to make higher education completely free.

A Future of Growing Intolerance?

If we do not graduate individuals capable and willing to listen to one another within our own society what hope is there that any of us — particularly our “best educated” — can become global citizens?

The Unavoidable Dilemmas of Internationalization

It is too easy to see internationalization as an “all to the good” kind of venture; however crossing cultural and political boundaries invariably obliges parties on both sides to confront conflicting values and policies.

Internationalization: Where is India Headed?

Only a minority of Indian universities have significant alliances with foreign institutions for activities including delivery of courses, joint research, or the exchange of staff and students.