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Burton Clark Revisited

Is an aggressive state sometimes necessary?

Politics and Hummus

Let’s move beyond condemning others, roll up our academic sleeves and commit to teaching individuals to be more thoughtful, less impulsive and how to pursue meaningful change.

New Models of Student Representation

Universities are better when they have calm, stable and informed student partners actively engaged in improving institutional quality.

How International Is Peer Review?

Despite the claims of the impartiality of peer review, nationality and language biases continue to influence the process.

Ibero-America Still Lags

Compared to the OECD countries and emerging economies in South-East Asia, the Ibero-American systems are way behind in terms of program quality and research output.

The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

The recognition that education, at all levels, can be a powerful tool in promoting sustainable development led to the concept of Education for Sustainable Development and, in 2002, the United Nations declared 2005-14 as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

California and Public Education: View From Abroad

Californians led the charge to modern mass systems of higher education. Can California lead the regeneration of higher education and taxation policies focused on the public good?

Danger Ahead for Universities in São Paulo State

Limiting salaries at the top of the career ladder for political reasons will certainly damage a university system that is considered to be among the best in Latin America and that has a fundamental role in the development of Brazil.