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Foreign Language Study Should Be Mandatory!

Studying another language increases the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication, not only in knowing words, but in developing a deeper understanding of culture.

The Emergence (and Perils) of Income-Targeted Free Tuition

Targeted free tuition makes lots of sense, but it really does need to be targeted.

Internationalization Innovation Is Coming From the Developing World

Higher education in emerging and developing countries struggles between past colonial influences and current challenges as the sector defines its social role in an increasingly competitive environment.

Providing Access to Higher Education for Refugees in Germany

To provide centrally organized, cohesive measures to the refugee crisis regarding entrance to higher education, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research supplied 100 million Euro for higher education programs for refugees for 2016-19

Bribes Found in Ukraine’s Criminal Code, Literally

Ukraine state security officers arrested a law professor for the systematic extortion of bribes from students in exchange for good grades on examinations. During the search, the officers shook bank notes from the volume containing the criminal code.

Germany's Innovative Strategies to Enroll Refugees

It seems clear that continuing, large-scale migration to Germany has created multiple challenges for educational institutions.

Academic Freedom and Military Rule in Thailand

Military governments in Thailand have a history of repressing academic freedom and the general freedom of expression.

Higher Education Reform Debated in Chile

The current bill is a step backward for Chilean higher education. It is urgent for it to be significantly improved.