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Faculty Mobility in the Age of Brexit

In today’s highly competitive academic labor market human resource policies and the ability to attract highly mobile, talented faculty are key ingredients of success for universities and economies worldwide.

Higher Ed and Ethiopia's State of Emergency

With the current militarization of the university and the prevailing tensions, serious learning is very unlikely to happen.

Addressing Gender Inequalities in African Refugee Education

Creating a university in a refugee camp was wrought with challenges: unreliable electricity and internet connectivity, lack of technological infrastructure, language gaps, skill gaps, security concerns, more.

University Rankings in Perspective

University rankings are largely based on what can be measured rather than what is necessarily relevant and important to the university.

Erasmus Could Have Stopped Brexit

In the Erasmus Impact Study, 88% of the UK (!) Erasmus people feel very European and 84% have a positive attitude towards Europe compared to 62% of the non-mobile UK students.

Walls in Unexpected Places

Polls and the seemingly self-destructive nature of Trump’s campaign distracted many of us from another half of America’s population.

Longterm Impact of Studying Abroad for Japanese Students

Participants recognized change in enhanced self-awareness of how they are influenced by their own culture, greater interest in international relations, and increased awareness of the challenges of coexisting with people from diverse backgrounds.

Academic Freedom Under Threat Everywhere

In the current political climate, academic freedom is perhaps the most contested aspect of higher education.