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Relevance of the World-Class University Debate for African Universities

Achieving world-class status will increase their chances of better collaboration with highly ranked universities as well as increase chances to attract resources for research.

Flagship Universities vs. World-Class Universities

Basically, all flagship universities are world-class universities, but not vice-versa. They are world-class universities with a heart, essentially.

Tertiary Education Is Indispensable

The Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations in September 2015 have given renewed consideration to the importance of education for development.

Are We Ourselves Enough?

Clearly, pursuing international stature comes at an economic cost—inevitably the transfer of national resources to international beneficiaries—and perhaps some compromise to national identity.

International Alumni Affairs: An Overview

Universities benefit from the three pillars of alumni engagement: time, treasure, and talent.

The Call for Patriotic Internationalism

If we are guardians of the internationalization of higher education, we are also guardians of the society in which our institutions of higher education exist.

Ukraine Needs $3B and a Culture Change

There is no doubt that the education system needs a major overhaul. The question is whether the country will receive the funding that it needs.

China Plays Hardball

In an address to the Congress of Party Leaders last year, President Xi Jiping said “Higher education must adhere to the correct political orientation” and that universities should be transformed into “strongholds that adhere to party leadership.”