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Student Loan Interest Rate Policy

There have been substantial policy changes in loan rates across countries over the last couple of decades.

The Headache of the English Student Loan System

The recent reforms particularly weigh on the poorest students.

Scams in Indonesian Universities

The rector promoted 327 doctoral candidates in the period of 2012-2016— he supervised roughly 65 doctoral students per year.

The Shifting Sands of University Management in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian social, cultural, economic, infrastructure, and political realities ought to be fully taken into account prior to the deployment of new management models.

Academic Freedom Reconsidered

Universities are at risk of becoming ideological battlegrounds rather than communities of free inquiry.

Troubling Times for Internationalization in Hungary

It is important to investigate the threat to Hungarian higher education and find ways to support the students and faculty working to preserve academic freedom.

Some Notes on the Finances of Top Chinese Universities

A glimpse into the finances of top Chinese universities suggests they share more than we might have imagined with American flagship public universities, but also that claims of imminent “catch up” might be overblown

The German Election and Higher Ed

A clear danger is that by its parliamentary influence, the AfD might be in a position to normalize its positions.