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Portrait of the Scholar as Blogger

I return to one of my favorite subjects, blogging in the academia, but this time with a focus not on...

Community Means Us, Part 2: A Response from Andrew Hacker, Co-Author of Higher Education?

A few days after my guest post "Community Means Us," an account of my experience in a community college, went...

I Teach (Not)

The academic calendar is symbolic of how an institution values time. It pegs the community to set dates like enrollment...

Community Means Us

The latest critique of American higher education, Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and...

Places of Learning

I’ve always felt that the physical environment of educational institutions — their colours, their spaces, their architecture — is one...

Academic Identity Crises: Who is a Professor? What is an Administrator?

The two most misused nouns in the American academy are “Professor” and “administration.” In a recent New York Times piece...

(What) Can You Read and Write?

Istanbul, Turkey As academics, we are expected to be doing two things on a regular basis: to read a lot...

Putting "Others" in a Box

New Haven, Connecticut, USA "Even if you're the whitest writer on the earth, you are writing about race, you just...