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Professing While Female

Where does professors’ authority in the classroom come from? On one level the answer is simple: it comes from our...

Leading Them "Over There"

When I was in college in North Carolina, no one really thought much about "abroad" experiences. If you did go...

Postgraduates and the Privatization of English Higher Education

On November 3, British universities minister David Willetts announced a proposal to raise the basic tuition fee cap for all...

My Love Affair With Academia

I bookmarked before noon my first day of work at the University. This wasn’t merely because of the impressive...

Connecting With My Intellectual Family

I like conferences, I confess. There are so many types of conferences these days that it is hard to choose...

An Unsuitable Job for a Woman

Having recently acquired my own iPod touch, I finally found a reason to do some serious weeding of my address...

Control in the Classroom

Those first days of teaching were disastrous, but I didn’t know it. I started out teaching at a community college...

What Education Can NOT Do

It was two weeks ago, Monday. I knew the deadline for my next post at UVenus was coming up. I...