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The Four Seasons

I work at a university on the quarter system. Complaint about quarters makes for constant campus conversation, but I remain...

Top Technological Innovations on Campus

What is the most exciting new technological innovation happening on your campus? Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe (USA) A soon-to-be-installed big screen...

Mission Possible? Teaching Social Sciences to Engineering Students

I have been teaching Media and Art History courses to Engineering and Architecture students at a technical university for the...

Listserv Tattletale

“For openers, I don't think you understand the difference between descriptive and normative statements, and you've obviously got a chip...

Emotional Gate-Keeping

This week is admitted student weekend across many campuses and I’ve been thinking about the relationship between Admissions and the...

It's the Hard That Makes it Great

My job didn’t exist three years ago. My institution is relatively new to offering free-standing master’s programs. Until recently we...

Are We Playing the Game or Have We Become the Game?

Neoliberalism, Managerialism, Commodification, Corporatization These seem to be the buzz-words in current critiques of higher education, education, and society in...

Being Curious

The day I am writing this, I am sick. I was supposed to go to the Polish Consulate to do...