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Deep thoughts from Big Think

According to Big Think, we are "drowning in information." I can relate to that statement. Lately, my own content consumption...

The home of higher ed hashtags

Hashtags have become digital rally points for Twitter users. We ask questions, create community, post answers, and engage in social-media-based...

Final thoughts, a tweet, and thanks - #NASPACPA

The results of the consolidation vote ( #NASPACPA) were shared yesterday afternoon. ACPA members voted overwhelmingly for consolidation. The majority...

Social web info overload: Summify may provide balance

According to Twitter, I have 3,200 favorites, my Google Reader account lists 1,000+ unread items and I have more than...

Google Map Maker and Admissions

Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) professionals should be some of the most tech-savvy student affairs practitioners at your campus. With useful...

Creating community when you don't have a "quad"

What happens when your students are not physically at your campus? How do they find and create community when they...

Practitioners, Technology, and Competencies

Have we finally reached a critical mass of student affairs techies? I'm beginning to think that we have some traction...

Thoughts from members about #NASPACPA

I've written extensively about #NASPACPA. Voting concludes this week. While we won't know right away whether or not consolidation has...