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#WLSalt - Sustain. Affirm. Lift. Transform.

Student affairs professionals frequently use hashtags on Twitter to organize around specific topics and add context to their tweets. One...

#TPE at #NASPA11 - Are you using your strengths?

The largest student affairs job placement fair -- The Placement Exchange, takes place in Philadelphia this week. More than one...

I'm attending #NASPA11. Are you?

I leave for Philadelphia next Saturday to attend the 2011 NASPA Annual Conference. Thousands of student affairs practitioners and higher...

Introducing Student Affairs Live - A Weekly Web Show

I am thrilled to to announce the launch of Student Affairs Live! Student Affairs Live is a new LIVE weekly...

Psst...An open invitation to lurk and learn

When Cindy Kane tweeted that "lurking is learning" on a #SAchat Twitter conversation last year, she didn't know that she...

Using social media to enhance engagement, yield, and retention

Schools, a Facebook application from Inigral, was first featured on Inside Higher Ed in the summer of 2008. The Schools...

#SAtech profile: @JeffLail - Podcasts, Cloud Computing

The #SAtech community is full of a wonderful array of practitioners who work within every functional area of student affairs...

Vimeo - Still Not A Viable Web Video Solution For Higher Education

I remember when I first watched a video on Vimeo. The video player was aesthetically pleasing and there were all...