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According to Twitter, I have 3,200 favorites, my Google Reader account lists 1,000+ unread items and I have more than 900 friends on Facebook. Keeping track of tweets, RSS feeds, and Facebook status updates has become a constant challenge. I love information. I love reading about new sites, services, and seeing what my friends and colleagues are up to. However, the amount of information can be daunting.

I've written quite a bit about how I keep abreast of everything. I use Delicious to bookmark links (more than 3,800 bookmarks and counting), I categorize my RSS feeds in Google Reader, and I favorite a lot of items in my tweetstream. Note that most of the reading that I do is via my phone. I've used Seesmic's "share to Gmail" function more times than I can count. If I share something to my own email, I generally read it, but as it stands right now, my inbox is full of unread messages from myself. Lately I've been pondering the idea of declaring social media info bankruptcy. I can't read everything no matter how tempting, useful, or informative.

A couple of weeks ago, in an effort to digest smaller bits of digital info, I started using a new service called Summify. Summify aggregates information from Twitter, Facebook, and Google Reader and sends you a "periodic summary of the most relevant news stories." Almost all of the summaries that I've received thus far from Summify have been full of stories that I found to be of interest. With only 5 stories per email, I'm finding that Summify's strength is in its simplicity. Overall, Summify has been a nice addition to my usual ways of keeping track of content.

Have you used Summify? What are your thoughts? Are you getting overloaded by your social info streams?

Do you tweet? Let's connect. Follow me on Twitter.