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Higher Ed, Meet GPT-3: We Will Never Be the Same!

We have read for years that artificial intelligence will make us more efficient and effective. We’re seeing the impact now in gathering big data, identifying and predicting trends, and providing quick answers to the run-of-the-mill questions from students and others.

Online Learning Impacting the Carbon Footprint

Climate change is heating up -- perhaps online learning is part of the solution.

Online Learning, From the Margins to the Center

Online learning has evolved over the past 25 years from a niche position on the margins of higher ed to the leading driver of growth in enrollment and innovation.

The Failing Links in Higher Ed

Higher education is suffering from the failure of a couple of essential linkages, resulting in mega-declines in enrollments—down three million over the past decade.

The Future of Higher Ed Immersed in Web 3.0

Not everyone agrees about what Web 3.0 will be, let alone how it will impact higher education, but the time to begin preparing is now.

Credentials: Closing the Relevancy Loop

One of higher ed’s challenges is to close the loop on relevancy for every student in every module of every class.

Credential Train Is Leaving the Station—Get on Board

In 1997, Sylvia Manning, then VPAA of the University of Illinois system, later president of the Higher Learning Commission, declared, “The online learning train is leaving the station—get on board or be left behind!”

Communicating the Realities of Higher Ed in 2022

This is a challenging time to lead, as a provost, dean, director or department chair at a college or university. That is not to say that there are not successes and rewards to be achieved, but they come harder than in decades past.