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Should Academic Librarians Have Tenure May Be Wrong Question

It's not so much whether tenure is good for academic librarians but what conditions lead to our best work.

The Limits of "Unlimited"

It turns out Kindle Unlimited . . . isn't, actually, but technohype is.

Resisting Amazonification

Why Amazon and its kin are big and strong - but aren't always best.

Recommendations: The Patriotic Edition

Some things to listen to, watch, and read to celebrate Independence Day.

Shocking Secrets Revealed! What Big Libraries Pay for Big Deals

After years of FOIA requests and lawsuits, we finally know what's behind those non-disclosure agreements, and it's not pretty.

Disruption and the Value of Small Things

The Emperor of Disruption has no clothes, and Jill Lepore has said so, out loud. Will anyone notice?

The Library Isn't Flat

Does emulating Google's search flatten knowledge? Is there any alternative for libraries?