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In Praise of Whistleblowers and #teamharpy

We need to speak up for people who speak out.

Climate for the World We Want

When we talk about the future of libraries, we need to remember what we're doing to our planet.

Neutrality, Equality and the Net

Two things you can do for the Internet on September 10th.

Lulz and Dissent: A New Book on Anonymous

A new book explores the trickster roots of Internet-based collective activism.

Scanning the Library Horizon

Shiny progress! Here come the techno-futurists! But something is missing ...

The News from Ferguson: Live, on Twitter

How Twitter is changing the way we get news.

Moments and Monuments

Are libraries monuments to a fixed idea of knowledge, or are they places that nurture moment of inspiration? Turns out that "or" is Boolean.

Learning to Do Research the Hard Way

As librarians embrace the power of learning analytics, lets be mindful of research ethics and library values.