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Diet, Exercise, Read More

Reading turns up so many new year’s resolutions. Why is that?

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

Everybody knows that a large percentage of our books never leave the shelf. Or do we?

Some Thoughts on #whyIcritlib

I get a lot out of connecting with a group of librarians loosely joined together under the #critlib hashtag. Here's why.

It's (Not) the Stupid, Stupid

Our political climate gone from truthiness to outright denial of facts - without penalty. What's going on?

The Cost of "Doing More With Less"

We have less funding for the things that really matter while paying much more to compensate for austerity policies.

Shedding Light on "Going Dark"

What is encryption and why are those government officials saying it's so dangerous?

Whose Journal is This, Anyway?

If an editorial board abandons a journal, is it still the journal it was, or is it a zombie journal?

Big Data and the Logic of Consumerism

Reading about drone warfare in The Intercept makes me think about how much Silicon Valley assumptions about human behavior have shaped our world.