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Helping Gifted (and Incarcerated) Students Conduct Research – A Volunteer Opportunity

Some women without access to libraries, archives, or the Internet are making amazing discoveries. Want to help?

What's Love Got to Do With It?

Yahoo - remember Yahoo? - goes on sale today. There may be more at stake than you think.

Forecast: Mostly Fair for the Foreseeable Future

No matter how you parse the four factors, we're winning on fair use when it comes to sharing excepts with students.

New Books and MIT's Uncommon Sense

Free books! And a sensible if revolutionary move by MIT Libraries.

Reframing Libraries

How the Framework for Information Literacy might help us rethink what libraries are all about.

The Bigot in the Machine

All information systems have biases, including those run by machine instructions.

The Skeuomorphic Library

So much of the past is embedded in how libraries work in the present.

The Fix Isn't In

Sci-Hub and the high cost of scholarly books are part of the same problem: how do we decide who pays for the cost of sharing knowledge?