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5 Questions About Electronic Medical Records and Ed Tech

The hospital where my wife is a doc went live with a brand new electronic medical record system on Saturday...

The Physical Law of Extremes - The Digital Law of the Middle

Let me try out a theory on you. Not sure if it makes any sense, I'm one of those people...

'Keep the Change': Tipping and Us

Towards the end of Steve Dublanica's hilarious and information filled Keep the Change: A Clueless Tipper's Quest to Become the...

Just Spent $229.50 for Digital Content - Why?

When will you pay for digital content? If you are in the information business, and education is an information business...

1,002 Followers: Still Lame at Twitter

I am lame at Twitter. The Twitter EDU world is divided into (at least) 3 categories: Awesome Twitter People: People...

'Unfamiliar Fishes' and Professor Vowell?

Would Unfamiliar Fishes be assigned to read in a history course? Would Sarah Vowell by hired as a history professor...

EDU Gigs and the Movie Business

I read somewhere a few years ago (maybe in Pink's Free Agent Nation, maybe somewhere else), that many jobs would...

Ingesting 'Blood, Bones

People who work with information, folks like you and me, are constantly in danger of becoming obsessed with jobs that...