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The Triumph of "Triumph of the City"

I'm an intellectual urbanist who grew up in the suburbs (Brookline, MA) and lives in the country (Etna, NH). A...

'Kindle with Special Offers' - Higher Ed Opportunities and Threats

The deal is that for $25 bucks less, or $114, Amazon will sell you a Kindle that displays "special offers...

6 Guidelines for Selling to Higher Ed

I imagine that selling to educational institutions must be a challenge. We don't make decisions quickly. It is often difficult...

Kaltura, Intel Capital, and Ed Tech Investments

2011 will be remembered as the year that the ed tech sector got hot. Venture capital firms will be making...

5 Reasons Librarians Are the Future of Ed Tech

How many people do you know who started their careers in academic libraries are now in leadership positions within academic...

Everything Is Obvious: "Once You Know the Answer"

It's about time a sociologist wrote an amazing and accessible book for a non-specialist audience. Everything Is Obvious: *Once You...

An Incomplete History of Computers I've Owned

Does a list of computers we've owned tell us anything meaningful about technology, business, or education? Not sure. Could you...

Campus Ed Tech 'Must Haves' by 2014

Reading the Horizon Report always gets the creative ed tech juices flowing. The "Time-to-Adoption" forecasts in the 2011 Horizon Report...