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Apple's Employee Media Policy - Really?

A quick show of hands. Does your employer prohibit you from talking to the media?

Should We Turn Our MacBooks Into ChromeBooks?

Why would anyone spend over $2,000 bucks on a new laptop, only to use it like a $500 Chromebook?

AppleU Idea for Apple's Low-Paid Store Employees

This weekend the NYTimes ran a story headlined "Apple’s Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay". We learn that of the 43,000 U.S. Apple employees, 30,000 are relatively low-paid store employees. Apple's 327 stores sold $16 billion in merchandise, and have per square foot earnings that are higher than any other retailer (next is Tiffany's).

A Service Orientation in Ed Tech

What do you think are the most important attributes for a successful career in educational technology?

Is Microsoft Thinking About Education With Surface?

Microsoft jumping into the tablet market with the Surface is a good thing for education. Competition will push Apple to improve the iPad, push Google to prioritize the ChromePad (or whatever they will call it), and focus the mind of Jeff Bezos on his Amazon Kindle Fire.

My New Laptop Pledge

These are the first words that I have typed on my new laptop. After years of living with a succession of 15 inch MacBook Pros, I finally pulled the trigger on a 13 inch MacBook Air.

The Departmental Retreat: 5 Ideas

It's retreat season once again. Does your department, team, division, or group have any plans for an offsite retreat? Where are you going? Can you offer any advice about retreat best practices.

Higher Ed, The Market, and "What Money Can't Buy"

What Money Can't Buy arrives at an opportune time as we debate on campus our relationship to larger market forces. The prevailing ethos in nonprofit higher ed seems to be well aligned with Sandel's central thesis, namely that markets are not neutral arbitrators of relationships, but instead influence and impact the exchanges in which market mechanisms dominate.