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Amazon, Audible, and the Need for Educators to Unite

Every time that I fork over $229.50 to renew my Platinum membership plan at Audible (an Amazon company) I like to mark the occasion and think some about the meaning of this purchase.

Keynes, Krugman, and "End This Depression Now"

I learned many things from reading Krugman's new book. 3 of which I will share:

Can For-Profit Ed Act as a Bridge Between Liberals and Conservatives?

Dean Dad's post this week Thoughts on Romney and Higher Ed generated lots of comments, but I felt little discussion and listening. When it comes to politics our IHE community seems to be talking past one another.

New Chromebook, iPad or Air for Travel?

Google has (finally) announced the next generation Chromebook, with updated hardware and a new Chrome OS.

Education and the Facebook Phone

I'm not too proud to beg Facebook to consider including educators at the table during the design of the Facebook phone.

A Wonderfully Depressing "Time to Start Thinking"

If you read The Economist then Time to Start Thinking is your kind of book. There is something almost soothing about a book that is simultaneously well-written and depressing. Somehow learning about the decline of the U.S. from a Brit -- Luce is the Washington Bureau Chief of London's Financial Times -- feels more palatable than similar arguments made by an American.

The Missing Edu App

Imagine for a moment that you are the Educator Queen (or King) of the World. You have the power to make a Royal Decree about the education app that will be created next. Everything you survey is yours, and your will we be done. What are your orders?

Netflix Original Content and For-Profit Superstar Faculty

Over the next 5 years Netflix plans to spend about $185 million on the creation of original programming. The first show, Lilyhammer, has been launched - and 4 more are in the pipeline for this year. They are: House of Cards, Hemlock Grove, Orange Is the New Black, and a reboot of Arrested Development. Subscribers will be able to stream the whole season at anytime, bypassing the traditional episode-by-episode release schedule. Will for-profit higher ed follow the Netflix path?