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3 Higher Ed Lessons from Netflix's "House of Cards"

House of Cards, a Netflix streaming only drama starring Kevin Spacey, may have a few things to teach us in higher ed:

iPad E-Learning Rapid Authoring Blind Spots

There seems to be a good deal of chatter in the system about students eventually (or sooner) ditching laptops for tablets. Today, a student tablet is mostly synonymous with a student iPad - but maybe that will change in the future. (Are you seeing your students carrying around Android devices?)

EdTech Relief at Super Bowl Power Failure

The highlight for me of Super Bowl XLVII (which I watched by streaming online) was when the power went out in the Superdome. This was a perfect tech failure because it makes us feel so much better about all of our tech failures.

Appreciation and Questions for EdTech PR Professionals

Before I started blogging I never really spent time with people that work in public relations (PR).

An Interview with Sean Devine on CourseSmart Analytics

CourseSmart is the world’s largest platform for eTextbooks and digital course materials. CourseSmart has over 40,000 titles from more than 50 publishers and over 3.5 million student and faculty users. CourseSmart Analytics provides faculty with a platform to develop insight into how students are interacting with the digital texts that they assign. Robust analytics seems to be the logical next step of the move from print to digital in curricular materials.

Adobe Connect and the Limits of EdTech Outsourcing

This post is intended to open up a dialogue with the leadership at Adobe. I hope that people at Adobe read this post in the context of a larger discussion that is going on about the merits of outsourcing, a discussion that The Economist captures really well in its recent Special Report: Outsourcing and Offshoring. Please do not mistake these concerns about outsourcing e-learning product development and support with any negative arguments partnering with colleagues from India. As I've written in other places, I very much believe that India is positioned for a source of strength in e-learning in the years to come.

Sharing Meeting Running Responsibilities

This is how I used to work. During the weekly meeting with my team I'd create an agenda (shared by e-mail ahead of time when possible), attaching time estimates to each point, and move the discussion down the agenda. I'd be sure to include everyone in the discussion, listen more than I spoke, start and end the meeting on time.

InBox Zero

Whenever I tell people that I've decided to practice "inbox zero" they say one of four things (or some combination of all four):