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Law, Policy -- and IT? - ICPL: Internet Culture and the Academy

The cool, rainy front that has moved into our area signals the end of summer! Transition times are here, and...

Uncommon Layers and Others

I confess: I am a (tempered) Wendy Wasserstein fan. I downloaded the new biography of her within minutes of reading...

Another Note on Scholarly Publications

Two headlines this week on the subject of scholarly publications grabbed my attention this week, so I thought I would...

Is Google an Indictment of Higher Education's Failures?

Evidently, Larry Page of Google "once considered accepting goats as a legitimate form of payment from those seeking to buy...

Institute for Computer Policy and Law: One Year Later

One year has passed since I began this blog. I know that without looking at a calendar because this week...

Comment on "Quero"

[I have wonderful students in the course I am teaching this summer! This student has commented on Quero, the project...

Culture Law and Society of the Internet, Part I

[For Cornell's Summer Session I am teaching a six week course on the "Culture, Law and Politics of the Internet."...