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Who Owns a Twitter Account?

I promised I would provide two more big Internet issues. The second issue is the "ownership" of personal accounts on social networking platforms of individuals who are also employees.

Three Big Law, Policy and Internet Issues of the New Year

The New Year, like the calendar, is an arbitrary measure but it works nonetheless as a time for both reflection...

What Does Feeney Graduate School Mean For Higher Education?

Okay, it is not really the Feeney Graduate School, although, with his permission, Mr. Feeney should allow Cornell University and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology to honor him in that way.

The Khan Academy

Carol Twigg raises doubts about the ultimate viability of the Khan Academy. Khan raises the question of completion rates verses quality of education. These questions are red herrings. The Khan Academy is trying something in an era when education is challenged by stagnation, technology, global competition and gross domestic inequalities. I thought of two people when I read the article in IHE about it today. The first is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The second is my Aunt Toni.

"Education, education, education!"

NYT headlines today reflect a mature understanding of the Internet. In the "Technology" section there are no articles on "technology" per se, for example semi-conductors, fiber optic cables or wireless access points. (The Times does cover these matters in its "Science" section anyway.) Rather, there are economic, legal, and social articles about technology.

Regulatory Language in Vendor Contracts Revisited

Call a lawyer today! That is more or less why I have come to D.C. for the NACUA conference on compliance for the last couple of days. I wanted to hone in on what, precisely, the legal language would be in a vendor contract to address the need that higher education has to protect its institutional information and take advantage of selective cloud providers of transmission and storage services.

FERPA, GLBA and HIPAA in Vendor Contracts

I have a bold proposal: to make standard in all vendor contracts regarding the transmission and storage of institutional information that the vendor will comply with applicable privacy and technical security regulations in existing federal privacy laws.

Why Does Facebook Want Our Kids?

In the New York Times article, "Why Does Facebook Want Our Kids," the on-going micro debate about the Child Online...