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Literacy in the Digital Age: Part VI

Not because it is better than any other program but because it was the experience I had, I want to...

Literacy in the Digital Age: Part V

Okay, enough big picture, let’s get down to brass tacks as my 7th grade teacher, Sister John Margaret, used to...

Literacy in the Digital Age: Part IV

Higher education faces a combination of challenges today. First and foremost, the concept that education is a public good is...

Literacy in the Digital Age: Part III

To ask what is “digital literacy” is to ask first from what “literacy” derives? It is inexorably intertwined with history...

Literacy in the Digital Age: Part II

Let’s get right to this issue: what role does technology play? Technology, undoubtedly disruptive in our age, would be an...

The PRC Read My Blog! :-)

The New York Times reports today that China has created an agency devoted to the Internet. "China Creates New Agency...

F.C.C. Notice of Inquiry for Broadband Deployment

On April 7 of this year, the F.C.C. filed a Notice of Inquiry regarding "key challenges and best practices in...