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Solving the sustainability problem is going to require using new technologies, in the broadest sense of that term. ("Technology" simply...

A convenient falsehood (?)

This morning's newspaper features an Associated Press article about a Brookings Institution ranking of the 100 largest US cities, based...

A list on the road to Damascus

Over the three-day weekend, I managed to do a little reading. One of the magazines that I actually pay money...

Shooting a baseline

OK, so I've got the numbers. We've completed Greenback's greenhouse gas inventory for academic years 2001 - 2007. The report...

A cool (actually, warm) map

This interactive map showing current (not projected) global warming impact requires that you have Google Earth installed, but you probably...

... or add a day

Today's issue leads with a story about how some community colleges are going to four-day schedules (MW/TTh classes only) to...

Inputs and outputs

Under the terms of the ACUPCC, Greenback University's greenhouse gas inventory is due in September. The heavy lifting is now...

A new leader in the greenhouse

It's probably just my northeastern liberal elitist upbringing, but when I think of colleges and universities that "get it" on...