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I was out of town over the weekend, getting to know the newest member of the Rendell clan. My new...

Don't buy, rent

Thanks to a correspondent for putting me onto this story. Feel free to share anything even vaguely similar. Or different...

College community

Lots of folks look back on their college years as a happy period in their lives. Heck, some folks seem...

Full of hot air

I want to be Alexander Lee when I grow up. Lee is the Executive Director of Project Laundry List, an...


I'm wondering about pushing Greenback U. to get into the green fuel business. I'd like some success stories, if anyone's...

You get what you can be talked into paying for

The local newsrag has a car section which seems to get thicker and more vociferous every week. Discounts on this...

Water or not

Water is energy. Not literally, of course (the square of the speed of light notwithstanding), but practically. Naturally moving water...

Sales, sails and swirls

Way back when I was fresh out of college, I tried to augment my meager salary by taking on some...