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Groceries and grasping

I was in a grocery store checkout line last week. The woman in line ahead of me had two children...

Science, journalism and other sports

Saturday, the Washington Post finally published the news that George Will has been intentionally misinforming his readers on the topic...


Two quick postscripts to finish out the week. After Wednesday's post about the shape of knowledge, I found mention of...

First, you play the Shell game

Sustainability, as any cause, has its wild-eyed fundamentalists. True believers who know, in their souls, the one true path to...

Why Johnny can't jump-start

I’ve been working, this semester, with a senior engineering student who’s doing an honors project at Greenback U. He’s not...

An excellent article today

Elizabeth Redden's article today on study abroad and sustainability gives a good overview of the topic. For Greenback U and...

Food, fuel

I often find it interesting to chase down links and other references provided when folks respond to my posts. Generally...

The best article on sustainability that I've read recently ...

... isn't technically about sustainability. It's about food. Or, more technically, our agricultural system. It's here. You should go read...