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Biofuel blather

Having dissed George Will, a conservative darling of the ostensibly liberal media, I want to balance the scales by dissing...

Happy hypocrisy

Promoting sustainability at Greenback U. brings me into constant contact with both students and faculty. Each group has what I...

The upside of escapism

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to watch an old (old, old) movie -- Trouble in Paradise. It was...

Balloons, bathtubs and (fill in the blank)

While we're on the subject of visual presentation of information, I just want to point out that part of the...

A big one up, but a bigger one down

Conventional wisdom has it that 70% of the information received from a message is based on how the messenger looks...

The car we need is not the one we're paying for

A while back, I said it would be a bad idea to bail out the auto companies. I noted that...

Eat less carbon

I was speaking recently with a representative of Greenback U's dining services. My intent (predictably) was to move them towards...

Flowers in a bowl

I like to buy my wife flowers when it's cold out. Not on Valentine's Day -- I'm too cheap to...