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Do you need a job to be sustainable?

I have a deep-seated ambivalence when it comes to the Huffington Post. On the other hand, I have a long-time...

Desperate times call for . . . ummmm . . .

The report from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers that I referenced yesterday calls for a three-part approach to climate change...

Standing under the arch

“The ancient Romans had a tradition: whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into...

Politics, pedagogy, the press and professors (a prickly post)

Thanks to Terry Calhoun for stating briefly what I will now attempt to say with excruciating verbosity. I've been thinking...

Projecting sustainability

Michael Legaspi is concerned that too much of American higher education consists of political advocacy. He's right to be, and...

Neutralizing negativity (or at least offsetting it)

Sometimes, you need to fight fire with fire. Taking the high road (sharing information; describing costs, benefits and risks --...

Sometimes I scare even myself

When I hollered "The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!", I thought I was joking. Honest. Now, according to...

What success looks like?

It's getting to the end of the semester, which means that a lot of student projects are getting turned in...