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States and schools and sustainability

As I drove to campus this morning, my local NPR station was talking about only three subjects -- Haiti, the...

Thanks be to Sam

As the new semester gets underway, there are a million things on my plate. Working with profs on curriculum revisions...

Best website ever!

Well, maybe not the single best website regardless of topic or function, but the best site for environmental information with...

It's what we like . . .

. . . that gets us into trouble. It's the folks who like smoking who are the most likely to...

Taking work home

One of the smaller (if only in terms of my effort) projects I work on at Greenback U is promoting...

Pattern clarification

One of the reasons I use a lot of words is that I have to work my way through a...

Pattern perception

Over the holidays (and yes, I enjoyed them, thanks for asking!) we had visitors at the Rendell farm. Friends and...

'Twas the season

Over the holidays, I had a truly minor epiphany. It started while I was wrapping presents. We've made it a...