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Summer is a'goin out

It's getting cold at night around Backboro. The stock tanks have a quarter inch of hard ice on them in...

Reality testing

I wasn't listening to music on the way to Greenback this morning, but I should have been. I should have...

Time and space

During the academic year at Greenback, campus buildings alternate between "occupied" and "unoccupied" status. Our energy management system is programmed...

More useful than fact

I'm currently reading Dorothy Ross's book The Origins of American Social Science. Truth be told, I've just started reading it...


If you believe Ban Ki Moon, the UN climate summit next month in Copenhagen will be a failure by any...

Free beer!

Well, maybe not free beer where you are right now, but I do promise free beer to anyone who shows...

A different kind of currency

It's an article of faith among those of us who inventory greenhouse gases that "current account" emissions don't count. For...

Mixed message on methane

A word to the wise (and otherwise): don't get H1N1. Just don't. Do whatever you need to do, but minimize...