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Damned Cowboys!

Right up front -- when I moved to Backboro, I pretty much stopped paying attention to professional sports. College sports...

What passes for thought leadership

A white paper recently crossed my desk. Issued by TRIRIGA, a facilities management consulting outfit recently purchased by IBM, it...

Getting students physically involved

Providing opportunities for students to get physically involved -- with meeting their needs, with the surrounding community, with modifying the...

Sustaining what? For whom? (A ramble.)

Yesterday, I got an email from an acquaintance of long standing -- a national leader in the field of sustainability-meets-education...

Roadmap revision required

Last week, Harvard celebrated the completion of its 50th LEED-certified project. LEED buildings are a major feature of the school's...

Farming and framing

If you haven't already, you should read Allie Grasgreen's article on student-worked (and sometimes student-run) campus farms in today's IHE...

Folly at the highest levels

We've all heard the explanations -- the excuses -- about why humans (particularly legislators, especially legislators not operating in any...

A light, and a bright shiny object

The light is a bottle. A Coke bottle. A one-liter Coke bottle, to be precise. You know it's a Coke...