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A sign of the resistance to be overcome

Over the weekend, when the whole "how do we turn sustainability into fun?" question was running around the back of...

One transit metric

If we're going to challenge Greenback's students to design (at least in concept) a more sustainable regional transit system, we...

Gaming the system

It occurs to me that, if I'm to have any success getting Greenback U, as a community, to envision a...

Eyes front

One of the challenges that campuses will face if they seriously try to become models for future -- sustainable --...

Advocacy and academe

Climate change. Energy supply. Economic activity. Employment. Public health. Water pollution. Species die-off. Penn State. Pitt. Cornell. Research. Public funding...

The cadence of American history (?)

There are just too many ideas swirling around in my mind for me to be succinct. Or, probably, even clear...

Sustaining flow, or flowing sustainability

I was reading through a monograph on game design recently, and came across a paragraph quoted from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's seminal...

Un-green jobs

There's been a lot of political (and a modicum of economic) jabber about "green jobs". And it's certainly true that...