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A world worthy of consideration

I just finished James H. Kunstler's novel, World Made by Hand. It's the tale of a small community near the...

Fiction and . . . fiction

Earlier this week, I saw part of the premiere of the new program, Terra Nova. It started on a world...

Board but never boring

Greenback U, this academic year, has experienced an influx of bicyclists. We've always had a small number, but this semester...

Beyond, and beyond

Last week, the Aspen Institute's Beyond Grey Pinstripes ratings came out. The report is a rating of MBA programs worldwide...

Of tulips and jobs

I recently re-read Charles Mackay's classic Extraordinary Popular Delusions. It contains perhaps the best-known account of the Dutch tulip mania...

EPA delays GHG regulation, cries wolf

To nobody's surprise, here it is. '[T]he decision to delay the proposed rule was driven by agency considerations and not...

Of philosophers, hourglasses and fleas

Philosophers confuse me. Their classical training (grammar, logic, rhetoric) can be very helpful when I'm trying to decipher a difficult...

Commercially contrariwise

I get daily newsletters from I generally scan the headlines, but often don't read the articles -- a significant...