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Bikes and bucks

According to Grist, the Wall Street occupiers are now getting their electricity generated by means of stationary bicycles. A handful of Greenback students have devised similar contraptions over the years, so it's nice to see them being applied in a real-world (and very public) situation. I have mixed feelings about the previous electricity source (portable generators) having been seized by the authorities, but I definitely like how things ended up.

In praise of inchoateness

One of the common comments of the mainstream media, characterizations of TV talking heads, and complaints of elected officials is that the "Occupy" movement is inchoate. What do they want? What are their demands? What is their agenda?

Waste not

With a modicum of success, I've started explaining the need for investment in renewable energy (primarily solar and wind) to undergraduate students as a matter of eliminating waste.

Agriculture and economics

Every year or two, I need to restore what passes for my sanity. When that need arises, I read. More...

Digestive dissonance

I recently participated in an event on Greenback's campus where food was served to students. Food wasn't the main focus...

Rethinking "future generations"

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet...

The NYT gets one right

Today's editorial in the New York Times, nominally about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, is well worth reading. In terms...

Hand and head

As I said earlier, I recently finished reading James H. Kunstler's World Made By Hand. Without taking its depiction of...