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For Enervated Scholars

Our friend Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin says there are three kinds of exhaustion: “Exhaustion caused by muscular fatigue, exhaustion caused by...

A New Dispatch About Going Wild, Productively

I have a new dispatch up at McSweeney's today, in which I prove myself to be the monster that so...

Education by Internet

My family and I are back from our trip, and I’m ready to get back to work. While we were...

Findings From the Road II

As far as I know, summers off from school have their roots in agriculture. Students needed the time to tend...

My New Website

Never let it be said that Oronte Churm isn’t hip to what’s goin’ down in the scene. You think I...

Book Covers

Ever wonder how graphic designers think about book covers? This site by design firm Fwis might be illuminating. They post...

This Just in From Plato

Advice for novelists, essayists, and poets everywhere from Plato, by way of our mutual writer friend Marcus Aurelius: …he who...

Professional Archaeologists Hop on Movie Bandwagon

In response to the Archaeological Institute of America’s recent election of actor Harrison Ford to their board of directors, and...