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Spring Break 2009

Some of my students may be joshin’ me; they all insist they’re going home to study, eat a few good...

Small Press Month

March is Small Press Month, “a nationwide celebration highlighting the valuable work produced by independent publishers. Held annually in March...

Cary Nelson, Provocateur

Well, that post title was a little redundant, don’t you think? For my readers not in academe, Cary Nelson is...

The Disturbing Room

There must be a newly-minted Ph.D. out there, diss unpublishable, who’d like to write a book for a general audience...

It's Official

I’m the best teacher who ever lived. Anyway I think that’s what the Provost said in the letter she sent...

An Essay in War, Literature

A longish essay I wrote last year has appeared in the twentieth-anniversary issue of the terrific literary journal War, Literature...

Guest Post: Sean Carman

As I've said, one of the nice things about the AWP conference was meeting in person some of those whom...

AWP: Final

Look, I’m not a conference guy. I’m a walk in the woods guy, an afternoon tea guy, a thicken-the-stew-with-flour, homebody-underwater-Emily-Dickinson-multipledraft-Boston-Fern-natural-light-kids-on-the-lap...