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What's the Matter with Illinois?

No, I don’t mean this. Or this. Or this. I’m not even referring to the governor of Illinois at the...

In Jeopardy

Mrs. Churm has a habit of calling out answers for the TV game show Jeopardy, often while I’m trying to...

Dancing With Widow X

In my previous post I used a recalcitrant subject in an ethnography study, Widow X, as a symbol of all...

Widow X Waits for You

It’s easy to feel an exhilaration verging on hysteria at the start of a big research project; you don’t even...

Sore Afraid

It’s a fearful age, and this past week a host of new frights descended on us here in the heart...

Guest Post: Ben Cohen

Today my old chum Ben Cohen helps us read the signs right in front of us. Ben is an environmental...

A Novel of a Writer-Teacher

Do you know the writer Thomas E. Kennedy? I’m embarrassed to say I only learned of his work a couple...

Hot Buttered Noodles! My Second Book!

When my novel (due out July 1) was accepted for publication, I announced it here under the title, “ Hot...