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May I Come to Your Debauch, Please?

For those of you who will attend the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference in Chicago next month, I...

Your Little 3-Inch Churm

My nomination a couple of weeks ago for the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching required letters of support...

Local Food and Fiction

The indomitable Professor Cohen writes in response to my most recent post about creative nonfiction and food: Okay, so I'm...

When You Make Your Toast Tonight

“When at a loss how to go on, cough,” says an ancient Greek proverb. Or so claims 10,000 Jokes, Toasts...

The MLAs of Yesteryear

For those interviewing at MLA this year, here are links to a couple of dispatches I did for McSweeney's on...

Godfrey Wishes You A Good Holiday Season

Do you know the great children’s album The Bottle Let Me Down? Get it, even if you don’t have kids...

My Poor, Incurable, Itching Humors

“’Tis most true, [many have an incurable itch to write]…in this scribbling age,” Robert Burton wrote nearly 400 years before...

Creative Writing Job-Search Wiki

A friend has sent me the link for a wiki that might be of interest to anyone on the job...