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Ani DiFranco, Bob Dylan and The Dangers of Identity Politics

Beware of allowing your identity to be a canvas on which other people paint their politics.

When Intersectionality Makes It Harder

How should campus professionals guide a gay, Muslim and South Asian student when his diverse identities are in internal conflict?

Tonya Harding, Rodney King and Me

Is there a way to recognize the racism that produced the Rodney King beatings without ignoring the lives of people like Tonya Harding?

The Dueling Missions of the Diversity and Inclusion Office

Should diversity officers focus on helping underrepresented students thrive on a campus, or fostering conversations between conflicting viewpoints?

If You Are Mad At Western Civ, Should You Be Mad at Pop Music?

Memo to socially conscious students: Dead white male authors and today's pop stars and rappers have much in common.

Porn, Religion and 'The New York Times'

A powerful piece about how porn shapes young people's views on sex made no mention of the students' faiths. Could they really be irrelevant?

Campus Identity Politics: Useful Critique or Repressive Regime?

Learning from James Baldwin and Andrew Sullivan on the uses and abuses of identity politics.