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The Hazards of Checking White Privilege

Please do not assign me a subordinate role, a specific psychology or a particular worldview based on the color of my skin.

Can Campuses Be Where the Political Tribes of America Meet?

Many campuses are dots of blue in a sea of red. Even as we in higher ed build towards a multicultural future, can we communicate to our heartland neighbors that they will thrive in that future too?

When Are Negative Stereotypes About My Community Justified?

Are negative stereotypes acceptable if one of mine is doing the stereotyping?

How Should We Check Our Privilege?

Is it useful to talk about checking our privilege if we don’t actually have the courage to give it up? And a quick look at the (religious) people who actually do.

Race Privilege, Class Privilege

My upper middle class brown child talks about his race frequently. How do I get him to talk about his class?

How Far Should I Go to Get You ‘Woke’?

Should I have tried to raise the identity consciousness of a black friend who wanted no part of it?

Minority Report

I’m interested in asking hard questions about the diversity progressive paradigm, but it’s important to remember why that paradigm is justified in the first place.

'Republican Like Me'

A new book argues that tribal political affiliations are not just about the groups we cluster in but how we interpret facts and understand truth.