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Hammer Time

I suppose this was inevitable. The unholy convergence of unaccountable tenure decisions; the up-or-out nature of tenure; anti-discrimination clauses; and...

Ad Hoc Extra Credit

No. Oh God, no. No, no, no. Nein. Nyet. Non. Huh-uh. Negative. I'll qualify that. Extra credit that's built into...


There has to be a better way. I have what seems like thirty thousand logins, each requiring its own username...

Public Scholarship at CC's

This is really an exercise in idea-stealing, rather than a developed thought. Have you seen (or do you work at)...


This week I ran into another of those "the policies make sense, but the application is silly" scenarios. A wonderful...

The Walk of Shame

This is a dirty little industry secret. In some necks of the woods -- moneyed ones, especially -- this is...

"An Enormous Wave of Philanthropy"

In a story in yesterday's IHE about for-profit companies taking over nonprofit colleges -- the gist of the story was...

Lousy Christmas Music: A Seasonal Snark

Bowing to the inevitable, I've spent far too much time lately shopping. Which means... The aural assault of cheesy Christmas...