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Fun with Predictions

Every so often, my usual discipline slips, and I actually venture a prediction in print. (If it's a blog, is...

Bookstore as Time Machine

This weekend, TW and I had a chance to visit a couple of really well-known college towns a few states...

The Life Cycle of an Aid Program

1. Need goes unmet for extended period. 2. Unmet need strikes someone with connections. 3. New aid program proposed. Much...

Failing Too Many

The story of the Norfolk State professor fired for failing too many students (see IHE's story here) is a kind...

Trickle-Down Departments

Over at Easily Distracted, Tim Burke has a fascinating piece outlining his proposed hypothetical liberal arts college. Among other things...

Random Glances of Exam Week

At her request, for Mother's Day I got TW a couple of little figurines that don't have facial features. TG...

False Economies

A friend who works at a respected public research university just sent me a copy of an all-campus email he...

Gym Music: A Snark

Several months ago, I stopped working out at my college's gym and joined a Y not far from home. We...